Tuesday, January 4, 2011

50 Day Challenge and a continous rant.

So I am going to do the 50 Day Challenge and it is Day 1.

DAY 1 Put a picture up of yourself with 10 facts.

1. I love to travel
2. I have been a horrible saver but soon to change
3. I am easily distracted but my original plan is still in the back of my mind.
4. I absolutely love rice crispy squares
5. Favorite number is 3
6. I am a business owner
7. Love sports and the gym
8. I don't mind being single but ready to have a love of my life besides my puppy
9. I want kids
10. I love photography

 Being alone or dating or being one with someone (marriage) has been on the table alot lately. I am okay with it but at the same time I have no great advice in the department as I am trying to figure it out myself. Let see since I entered back into the dating game last june I have meet 1 jerk and 1 douchebag. Truthfully I am terrified of dating and I can't tell if someone is actually into me. It's confusing and I think dating sucks! The other boys I have meet were not my type or unemployed or just wanting a booty call. I may have a great booty but only a selective few will be allowed to touch it!

Some of the questions recently rasied by friends are...

1. When is the right time to have sex with someone?
2. When is it the right time to pursue someone after their previous relationship has ended?
3. Why do we want unavailable men?
4. Why am I alone?
5. Why are good men in bad relationships and staying?

There are so many questions so I will break it up. 
My old rule was after the 3rd date sex is acceptable...granted there are some exceptions to this that go for and against that rule. Or maybe I should give you the rules first and you can decided for yourself.

Rule 1. No kissing on the first date.
Rule 2. Drive yourself to the first date and maybe the second.
Rule 3. No consecutive day dates
Rule 4. No sex until the 3rd date
Rule 5. No sleepovers

So back to the question....since you can't have consecutive dates would the 3rd date suffice? Well yes and no. My thought at first with this rule is you would at least communicate somehow over the days in between. We live in a time of crazy technology...it makes no sense that you can't get a hold of someone in these times. I mean you can send a message from gaming consoles now! Almost everyone is addicted to text messaging/ BBM (for the crackberry lovers). Then my friend brought up that she is tired of noncommittal sex (not being in in a relationship sex) and not getting her bed buddy number to much higher....thus the next guy she has sex with has to adore her. So what does adore mean? Does it mean he sends you sexting text? Does it mean he follows you around like a puppy dog? Does he give you just enough distance to think you both have to work at it so it is always exciting? Is it possible that you never really know until he declares he loves you....and actually means it. Cause we all know that guys will say anything so they can get into a girls pants...although women are just as bad these days. Plus if someone says the "L" word do they actually mean it? So now I am forced to give you the definition of adore...oh and for those of you who didn't get my sexting-it is texting sexy things.... :)

ADORE: [uh-dawr, uh-dohr]  verb, a·dored, a·dor·ing.
–verb (used with object)
to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; honor.

In truth I think we all want to feel that way but I don't think I could feel that way about someone after 3 dates. I am also extremely sure I couldn't feel that way about someone in the first month either. I think "love" is a strong word and that it takes more then a month for someone to show their true colours. I also think if someone loved me that quickly I would think they are crazy and that they are confused to the difference of what love and lust mean.

Back to sexting...is this a bad thing? I mean sending naked pictures/ writing about things you want to do to someone is that wrong? Don't get me wrong I have a few sex texts in  my lifetime but I do think it is wrong that someone that you have been set up on a blind date send you one of his cock in the first few messages. "Also if that is how it starts as a relationship I don't think it is really going anywhere either", thus a quote from someone I truly admire.  No offense to you to sextexters out there. My friend has really opened my eyes to the things that I want which I will share at the end and I promise it won't be sappy.
So really my question is if you can't tell if someone is into you then how can you tell when it is the right time to have sex? Hmmmmmm

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