Wednesday, January 5, 2011

50 DC- Day 2 ...thus rant cont.

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.
I have known her since I was 7. She was one of my first friends in a strange new city. We are 32 now and though we lost touch for a little; while knowing her now she is more like the older sister I never had and always wanted. And sometimes I want to kick her but I couldn't imagine my life without her. She and I laugh, fight and give each other the silent treatment but that is what makes our friendship work. If you find a friend that can do everything that drives you nuts and you still want to hang out with them then count yourself lucky...cause majority of the world doesn't have that at all. And they aren't a friend they are family. Cause at this age you can choose who your family is :)

SOOO first I want to be mad about the hockey game I went to last night. First the refs put their whistle into their pockets and that was garbage. I understand not wanting to keep them in your mouths cause you are out of shape and you are worried you will make noise continuously but serious keeping them in your pocket. Or possibly you had them up your ass...and Penner don't let me get started on him. Thanks for letting the whole hockey world know you are unhappy in edmonton and that you like to stand around on the ice. Assistant captains should lead by example...your example for the young guns is to stand around and make no effort? GARBAGE.

Back to the relationship topic...
2. When is it the right time to pursue someone after their previous relationship has ended?

That is a tough one. In recent months I have meet quite a few people that have split up after a long relationship. Originally I would have told you that you need at least a year....especially for some because all they are out for is to have fun. And by fun I mean sex and run. For those that have been out of relationships for a while that isn't what we are looking for. At least that isn't what I am looking for!

But this doesn't stand for everyone I have learned in recent weeks. I met someone who just doesn't want to be alone and the moment his marriage ended he was out looking for the next "one". Do I think this healthy?....I want to say no but he knows what he wanted in life and his ex couldn't give it to him. I am just worried that wanting someone could lead him to being with the wrong person who doesn't want the same outcomes as he does.  

I have decided I want to be with someone who can be alone as well as compromise in a relationship. Then I can have the best of two worlds. We don't have to do everything together but we can if we want to as well. We can seperate friends of the opposite sex and not feel jealous. We can have baggage that the other appreciates and supports. We can be active together and sports together...take dance lessons together. Have mini uses together. Sounds corny but that is what I am searching for.

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