Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 5 - New business

Sorry guys missed a day...but I am here regardless. I was working on it then got sidetrack...again still in the back of my mind. :)

So I have been toying with an idea to start a new business. Well I tried to start it up with 3 other girls last summer but 2 couldn't see past the age difference. One thought because she was older she was better and the other one just couldn't understand the attitude. I still to this day think they would have been great business partners and propelled the business to massive amounts of money. Oh well. The other one didn't want to take any basically I was to fund everything and they would benefit from it. So now I am doing it on my own. It is a specialty event planning service. I have been distracted as of late but this week I am going to get down to business.
So Step 1- I am going to read some business books to do it right the first time. My fitness business was guess and test and I am sure we are doing things wrong to this day. I figure I can write about the start-up chaos on this thing. :)

Now a question? Should I feel annoyed that my roommate is dating my best friend. That she is here every night and doesn't pay rent. That I am feeling incredibly overwhelmed with that fact that I moved here to have a buffer between myself and my friends? I talked with my roommate and my friend and yet they continue on. That hearing them have sex isn't a great way to start the morning either. I wonder if this is because I am single. Yet I am happy to be single. I have no complaints.
Now if dating was this easy....haha
Quote of the day:
"Every women has the exact love life they want"..god I hope not cause if so I am super disappointed in myself.  I hope this year changes although it has started off rocky...well cheers to all changes that are coming week.

Part of the changes is to finding a part time job for the next 6 months so I can afford some unnecessary things in my life. Well some necessary  and then some unnecessary things that I could take my time getting but don't feel like it.

Day 5- A picture of my favorite memory

So anything that has to do with a family gathering with my mum's side of the family wins hands down. This outing was in Jamaica and we had about 30-something family members show up. The great part is we had this unspoken rule about having breakfast and dinner together and then having the rest of the day to ourselves. This often happens at christmas in florida even though I don't get to go every year. The presents under the tree (I mean on the tree) are amazing. Everybody gets something and it gets ridiculous when there is 30 people their for christmas. Ridiculous to the point it takes up to 4 hours to unwrap presents.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 4 - Unavailable MEN...

So why do women always go for unavailable men? I mean there are plenty of available men out there but we continuously choose ones that aren't good for us cause they fit the McSteamy type.I have a friend who interests lie with 3 different boys and all have different stories but all the same outcome...unavailable.  Now by "unavailable" I mean they are in a relationship, just got out of a long term relationship (haven't gotten it together) or they just want to party (haven't gotten it together). All of which are not good for where me and my friends are in our lives. It is funny to see 30+ being in the last situation. I kind of thought the party stage would end towards the end of an era called twenties. Apparently not and how come everyone keeps finding them. I was told if you put a vibe that you want a relationship you will get one. I am wondering if I put out a vibe of wanting a million dollars will I get that too? Haha...ya nice theory.

Day 4- A picture of your night....

Well this isn't fair..cause tonight is a low key night with my dog. He got neutered and they had to go into his abdomen for one of them so it is pretty low key but if this is the challenge this is the challenge. Tonight George and I will be cuddling on the couch and watching a movie. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 3 of the 50 day challenge....

Great deeds of the day.

Today my realtor and I were looking at show homes. I happen to get stuck in front of one this afternoon. After trying to rock it back and forth on my own and just proceeded to strand myself in the snow more and more. We decided to walk down the street and find someone home to borrow their shovel. A nice gentlemen came out and started to help and shovelled the snow from behind the tires. He also ended up running and grabbing cardboard to help. Then 3 guys came out of a house they were working on and the 4 of them pushed my car out of the snow. :)

Afterwards I quickly drove over to Timmy's and grabbed coffee for the workers and a tim card for the gentlemen who came and helped me. The workers were grateful and shocked. Granted they have no idea how grateful I was in them helping me out. The gentleman that originally helped us was from Nigeria. He refused to take my gift card. As we talked he had twin 1 1/2 year old daughters come to the door. They were sooooo incredibly cute.

It is nice to be reminded that people will help you cause you are stranded and that I was lucky enough to meet some.

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favourite show.

This is one of the most brilliant shows I have ever watch...and truthfully it is tied with That 70's show...BRILLIANCE.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

50 DC- Day 2 ...thus rant cont.

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.
I have known her since I was 7. She was one of my first friends in a strange new city. We are 32 now and though we lost touch for a little; while knowing her now she is more like the older sister I never had and always wanted. And sometimes I want to kick her but I couldn't imagine my life without her. She and I laugh, fight and give each other the silent treatment but that is what makes our friendship work. If you find a friend that can do everything that drives you nuts and you still want to hang out with them then count yourself lucky...cause majority of the world doesn't have that at all. And they aren't a friend they are family. Cause at this age you can choose who your family is :)

SOOO first I want to be mad about the hockey game I went to last night. First the refs put their whistle into their pockets and that was garbage. I understand not wanting to keep them in your mouths cause you are out of shape and you are worried you will make noise continuously but serious keeping them in your pocket. Or possibly you had them up your ass...and Penner don't let me get started on him. Thanks for letting the whole hockey world know you are unhappy in edmonton and that you like to stand around on the ice. Assistant captains should lead by example...your example for the young guns is to stand around and make no effort? GARBAGE.

Back to the relationship topic...
2. When is it the right time to pursue someone after their previous relationship has ended?

That is a tough one. In recent months I have meet quite a few people that have split up after a long relationship. Originally I would have told you that you need at least a year....especially for some because all they are out for is to have fun. And by fun I mean sex and run. For those that have been out of relationships for a while that isn't what we are looking for. At least that isn't what I am looking for!

But this doesn't stand for everyone I have learned in recent weeks. I met someone who just doesn't want to be alone and the moment his marriage ended he was out looking for the next "one". Do I think this healthy?....I want to say no but he knows what he wanted in life and his ex couldn't give it to him. I am just worried that wanting someone could lead him to being with the wrong person who doesn't want the same outcomes as he does.  

I have decided I want to be with someone who can be alone as well as compromise in a relationship. Then I can have the best of two worlds. We don't have to do everything together but we can if we want to as well. We can seperate friends of the opposite sex and not feel jealous. We can have baggage that the other appreciates and supports. We can be active together and sports together...take dance lessons together. Have mini uses together. Sounds corny but that is what I am searching for.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

50 Day Challenge and a continous rant.

So I am going to do the 50 Day Challenge and it is Day 1.

DAY 1 Put a picture up of yourself with 10 facts.

1. I love to travel
2. I have been a horrible saver but soon to change
3. I am easily distracted but my original plan is still in the back of my mind.
4. I absolutely love rice crispy squares
5. Favorite number is 3
6. I am a business owner
7. Love sports and the gym
8. I don't mind being single but ready to have a love of my life besides my puppy
9. I want kids
10. I love photography

 Being alone or dating or being one with someone (marriage) has been on the table alot lately. I am okay with it but at the same time I have no great advice in the department as I am trying to figure it out myself. Let see since I entered back into the dating game last june I have meet 1 jerk and 1 douchebag. Truthfully I am terrified of dating and I can't tell if someone is actually into me. It's confusing and I think dating sucks! The other boys I have meet were not my type or unemployed or just wanting a booty call. I may have a great booty but only a selective few will be allowed to touch it!

Some of the questions recently rasied by friends are...

1. When is the right time to have sex with someone?
2. When is it the right time to pursue someone after their previous relationship has ended?
3. Why do we want unavailable men?
4. Why am I alone?
5. Why are good men in bad relationships and staying?

There are so many questions so I will break it up. 
My old rule was after the 3rd date sex is acceptable...granted there are some exceptions to this that go for and against that rule. Or maybe I should give you the rules first and you can decided for yourself.

Rule 1. No kissing on the first date.
Rule 2. Drive yourself to the first date and maybe the second.
Rule 3. No consecutive day dates
Rule 4. No sex until the 3rd date
Rule 5. No sleepovers

So back to the question....since you can't have consecutive dates would the 3rd date suffice? Well yes and no. My thought at first with this rule is you would at least communicate somehow over the days in between. We live in a time of crazy makes no sense that you can't get a hold of someone in these times. I mean you can send a message from gaming consoles now! Almost everyone is addicted to text messaging/ BBM (for the crackberry lovers). Then my friend brought up that she is tired of noncommittal sex (not being in in a relationship sex) and not getting her bed buddy number to much higher....thus the next guy she has sex with has to adore her. So what does adore mean? Does it mean he sends you sexting text? Does it mean he follows you around like a puppy dog? Does he give you just enough distance to think you both have to work at it so it is always exciting? Is it possible that you never really know until he declares he loves you....and actually means it. Cause we all know that guys will say anything so they can get into a girls pants...although women are just as bad these days. Plus if someone says the "L" word do they actually mean it? So now I am forced to give you the definition of adore...oh and for those of you who didn't get my sexting-it is texting sexy things.... :)

ADORE: [uh-dawr, uh-dohr]  verb, a·dored, a·dor·ing.
–verb (used with object)
to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; honor.

In truth I think we all want to feel that way but I don't think I could feel that way about someone after 3 dates. I am also extremely sure I couldn't feel that way about someone in the first month either. I think "love" is a strong word and that it takes more then a month for someone to show their true colours. I also think if someone loved me that quickly I would think they are crazy and that they are confused to the difference of what love and lust mean.

Back to this a bad thing? I mean sending naked pictures/ writing about things you want to do to someone is that wrong? Don't get me wrong I have a few sex texts in  my lifetime but I do think it is wrong that someone that you have been set up on a blind date send you one of his cock in the first few messages. "Also if that is how it starts as a relationship I don't think it is really going anywhere either", thus a quote from someone I truly admire.  No offense to you to sextexters out there. My friend has really opened my eyes to the things that I want which I will share at the end and I promise it won't be sappy.
So really my question is if you can't tell if someone is into you then how can you tell when it is the right time to have sex? Hmmmmmm

Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Day of 2011....

Why is it people spend so much time hyping up partying for the new year...every year I wake up and it doesn't feel different...I just have to remember to label my dates with an 1 instead of a 0 this year... Also what is the point of getting so wasted that you're hung over the next day or for some oldies a few days after? Why is getting a kiss on new years so important too? I don't get it at all. What am I missing?

After a nice sleep in day...I went out to find George some food...all the smaller private dog food stores were closed so that will occur tomorrow. Anyways, I did have the opportunity to hang out with a friend briefly. He had yet to experience the Leisa eating agenda! Hahaha...we went to Mini Mango vietnamese food and I got fried rice, and lemongrass chicken to share. We went to Save on Food next cause I figured I could get sweet and sour pork..only to discover I was mistaken and it is Sobey's I wanted. BOOOOOOO Save on Foods for your crappy take out selection. Thus we head across the main road to wok box and I got breaded chicken which had sweet and sour sauce. Truthfully I don't recommend any of the places we went is not that the food wasn't was more that I had to go to 3 different places to satisfy my stomach.

So as I had told you all I am going to date more in 2011. I am going to find that guy this year...maybe I already know him, or saw him walking down the street or maybe he is the next guy I meet. Trust me if you were a betting man you would go with maybe the next guy I meet. I am pretty sure I haven't met him cause every guy friend I have has put me in the friends zone cause I am "sooooo" cool. But tonight I needed to find someone to take the 3rd ticket to the oilers game. Boy A took the ticket...yes I am going to alphabeticalize the boys I date. Boy A and I had originally decided to go for coffee at second cup on sunday night. He found out I had an extra ticket and decided to pay and come along for the game. The game I will get to later. Anyways Boy A is an accountant and he is your typical accountant....SOOOO not my type. Weird he is a huge hockey fan and we could talk sports all night but that is it. Oh he could help me set up my books for my small business but I don't know anything else we could talk about. Plus attraction goes a long way. I am not attracted to him at all. He is tall, thin, kind of geeky...if I was a betting person I would say he was a geek in high school but will have jock in high school as he pool boy shortly. He is George McFly from back to the future...I SWEAR! (This trilogy has been playing on some channel for the last week.) Anyways...needless to say boy A isn't going to make the cut. Well maybe as a friend...but I am going to have to say back to the drawing board.

As for the OILERS...what the hell??? Seriously this is the second game I have been to where they have had under 15 shots this year. SHOT THE FREAKIN PUCK. Oh and Penner can you use a couple of those dollars  you earn a year to learn how to handle the puck. Yes we all know you want a trade at the end of he season but that shouldn't make you a lazy player right now. Other teams are watching and wondering if you are worth the money you make now...doesn't matter how many goals you get...WATCH THE ATTITUDE. Do you want to end up like Souray...ya I said it! You have talent and were discovered so play like you want to be in the nhl. There are probably 10 others out there that have your talent but weren't as lucky to be in the right place at the right time with the right people watching. When did professional players lose the love to feel so lucky just to be playing for a team?? It is sickening that fans go out to watch a player dog it around the ice.

SO what do I want to take away from today....I need to detail the inside of my car 3 times a year at least! Ughhh